Perception of Life...

Everyone in this world is making best efforts on his part to make his life a perfect life by doing so many things. We all as an individual has a human psychology that we want everything to be perfect, at his best or there is no scope for any kind of imperfection. We want that our work should be perfect, we want that our relationships should be perfect then we want our habits should be perfect, then we want our health should be perfect, then we want our career should be perfect, then we want our goals should be perfect and then so many other things that we want perfection. Basically our thinking habit is developed in such a way that we are surrounded all over by the word perfection. This seed of perfection is planted in our mind from the childhood by our society, parents, teachers and others. And the most interesting part in this whole perfection game that everyone has his or her own kind of definition, meaning, standard of perfection.

In today’s competitive world the word perfection gains so much importance that it will become a measure to judge a person ability, skills, potential to check whether he will be able to survive or not. Even there is a building up of psychology in human mind that if they are not perfect in everything then they cannot be successful in their life. This is a strong myth created among individuals by individuals. We all living in our illusions that we can make our life perfect but this is not the reality.

Perfection is something which can be relates to a particular object or things which are rigid in nature. How an individual can make his life perfect? I don’t understand this point. The very basic nature of a human being is dynamic which keeps on changing constantly then how he can add perfection. The life which we get is already a perfect as we all breath systematically, we laugh, smile, joy, cry, angry, and respond accordingly.

According to me in reality there is no need of perfection in our life because we are not here to make our life perfect but we are here to make our life and of others better. We all are perfect by nature. God has created us by such perfection so that there is no scope for imperfection. In terms of any work we can achieve excellence and not just perfection and in terms of life we are already perfect. We as human beings are the perfect creation of this universe nothing can be more perfect than us.

 MORALE :- “Achieve excel in life rather than perfection”.


The word imperfection said itself I m perfect. .

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