Ambedkar biography
as a country known for its great leaders in different fields who exerts a
powerful influence over the nation as well as in the world also. But one of
them was considered to be as a man of knowledge, inspiration to over generations,
socio-economic reformer, god of untouchables (lower cast), great personality, incredible
human being and a visionary person. Well I am narrating about Bhimrao Ramji
Ambedkar. On the National Law Day (N.L.D.), a remarkable day in the history of India
I am going to share my views on the importance of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar for India.
14-04-1891, Baba Saheb took birth in Ambadawe (Mandangad taluka) in Ratnagiri
district of modern-day Maharashtra in a Dalit community (mahar). Despite of
taking birth in a low cast family, he completed his basic education in worse situations.
Being a Dalit he used to be exploited by the upper cast continuously, but Baba Saheb
strongly facing all the challenges, difficulties during his whole life. He was
the first dalit who complete matriculation (10th class) level in his village at his time. He
continues with his studies along with his fight with caste discrimination in India.
After completing his graduation from Bombay
he further moves to America, London for taking Master degree, PH.D. degree on scholarship basis. The list of his qualifications includes almost 16+ degrees in various Fields like political, economics,law, history etc. He devoted
his major portion of his life in educating himself and in struggling to get fundamental basic rights for their peoples.
getting independence from Britishers in 1947, the duty to make constitution of India
gave to Baba Saheb, as he is the only person who posses vast knowledge and experience
of other countries constitution, history, politics. Also he is the person with
high integrity, honesty, dedication towards work. Despite of having health
issues he took only 2years,11months,18days to frame the constitution for India.
On 26-11-1949, constituent assembly adopted the constitution framed. He designed
the constitution in such a way so that no authority, person will ever be exploit
untouchables and maximum benefit will be available to socially backward

Saheb has accomplished countless achievements in his life. He is considered to
be a world class leader, an educationist, a politician, anthropologist,
author, historian, sociologist, social scientist, educationist, freedom
fighter, journalist, human rights activist, philosopher, a social reformer, an
economist. He is also considered as symbol of knowledge, father of Indian constitution.
Baba Saheb gave his whole life in social reforms for the betterment of untouchables
or socially backward peoples. He is used to be considered as a god of Dalits. As
India get freedom from Britishers in 1947 but Dalits get freedom from caste
discrimination in 1949.
Saheb thoughts and vision are the great source of motivation & inspiration. He is always be
an integral part of this nation. For me he was a man of his principles, a great
human being, an inspirational personality and ocean of knowledge. I personally salute
to his contribution in nation building, his efforts and respect his thoughts,
ideas, believes. Feeling proud to be a citizen of a country of which heart and
soul framed by DR. Bhimrao Ambedkar.
Morale: " Education is a powerful weapon to change the world."
Best wishes
On 14-04-1891, Baba Saheb took birth in Ambadawe (Mandangad taluka) in Ratnagiri district of modern-day Maharashtra in a Dalit community (mahar). Despite of taking birth in a low cast family, he completed his basic education in worse situations. Being a Dalit he used to be exploited by the upper cast continuously, but Baba Saheb strongly facing all the challenges, difficulties during his whole life. He was the first dalit who complete matriculation (10th class) level in his village at his time. He continues with his studies along with his fight with caste discrimination in India. After completing his graduation from Bombay he further moves to America, London for taking Master degree, PH.D. degree on scholarship basis. The list of his qualifications includes almost 16+ degrees in various Fields like political, economics,law, history etc. He devoted his major portion of his life in educating himself and in struggling to get fundamental basic rights for their peoples.
After getting independence from Britishers in 1947, the duty to make constitution of India gave to Baba Saheb, as he is the only person who posses vast knowledge and experience of other countries constitution, history, politics. Also he is the person with high integrity, honesty, dedication towards work. Despite of having health issues he took only 2years,11months,18days to frame the constitution for India. On 26-11-1949, constituent assembly adopted the constitution framed. He designed the constitution in such a way so that no authority, person will ever be exploit untouchables and maximum benefit will be available to socially backward peoples.

Saheb has accomplished countless achievements in his life. He is considered to
be a world class leader, an educationist, a politician, anthropologist,
author, historian, sociologist, social scientist, educationist, freedom
fighter, journalist, human rights activist, philosopher, a social reformer, an
economist. He is also considered as symbol of knowledge, father of Indian constitution.
Baba Saheb gave his whole life in social reforms for the betterment of untouchables
or socially backward peoples. He is used to be considered as a god of Dalits. As
India get freedom from Britishers in 1947 but Dalits get freedom from caste
discrimination in 1949. OVERALL PERSONALITY
Baba Saheb thoughts and vision are the great source of motivation & inspiration. He is always be an integral part of this nation. For me he was a man of his principles, a great human being, an inspirational personality and ocean of knowledge. I personally salute to his contribution in nation building, his efforts and respect his thoughts, ideas, believes. Feeling proud to be a citizen of a country of which heart and soul framed by DR. Bhimrao Ambedkar.
Best wishes
I also feel so proud and great that I have a talent to express my view through words...