SECOND CHANCE IN LIFE !! There is a universal fact of life and that is we get this beautiful life only for once and after that we have no idea what will happen. Since we get life only for once there is a common tendency among us that we have only one chance for everything, For example: in career, wealth, relationships, friendship, health, job, business and many others. Our thought process had been developed from the beginning in a very narrow manner i.e. we have to do everything in one go or in 1 st attempt and there is no scope for 2 nd chance. We are now become so narrow-minded person that we don’t want to give a 2 nd chance to our self and to others. According to me this is a very serious problem created by us and it results are poor relationships, friendships, career growth, depression etc. Mostly relationships, friendships are broken just because of this reason, that once a mistake has done by one person the 2 nd person is ready to end all the ...